Yes, in many states, you can get your concealed carry permit by completing an online course and meeting other state requirements, such as a background check or firearms training.
Some states allow you to complete the training portion online, but you may still need to submit additional documentation in person.
Requirements vary by state, but generally include completion of an approved training course, passing a background check, and meeting age and residency requirements.
Yes, as long as the course is approved by the state and meets all necessary requirements.
In most cases, you must be a resident of the state in which you are applying for a concealed carry permit.
The length of the course varies, but can generally be completed at your own pace within a few hours.
Costs vary by state and provider, but generally range from around $50 to $100.
No, many online courses are designed for beginners and cover all necessary material.
Completion of the course is just one requirement; you must also pass a background check and meet other state-specific requirements.
This depends on the severity of the offense and the laws in your state; some states may deny a permit to those with certain criminal convictions.
Yes, in some states, non-residents may be able to obtain a concealed carry permit by completing an approved online course.
In some states, yes; an in-person firearms training may still be required even after completing an online course.
Your permit’s validity in other states depends on reciprocity agreements between the issuing state and the state you plan to visit.
Many states allow for the renewal of a concealed carry permit to be completed online.
Some states may require character references or letters of recommendation as part of the application process.
Most states require you to be at least 21 years old to obtain a concealed carry permit, whether online or in person.
5/5 - (54 vote) Categories FAQRobert has over 15 years in Law Enforcement, with the past eight years as a senior firearms instructor for the largest police department in the South Eastern United States. Specializing in Active Shooters, Counter-Ambush, Low-light, and Patrol Rifles, he has trained thousands of Law Enforcement Officers in firearms.
A U.S Air Force combat veteran with over 25 years of service specialized in small arms and tactics training. He is the owner of Brave Defender Training Group LLC, providing advanced firearms and tactical training.