Allied health enterprise agreements and career support

This page has information for allied health professionals working in the ACT public health system, including enterprise agreements professional development support and useful resources.

To learn more about applying for an allied health role, visit search and apply for jobs.

Health professionals enterprise agreements

The ACT Public Sector Health Professional Enterprise Agreement [PDF 2.8MB] covers classifications for health professionals, medical imaging, medical physicists, perfusionists, pharmacists and radiation therapists.

Allied health assistants, including dental assistants and peer support workers employed under the AHA classification, are employed under the ACT Public Sector Support Services Enterprise Agreement [PDF 2MB].

Professional development support

As part of the Health Professional Enterprise Agreement, funding is provided to support employees to undertake educational activities. You can also find details on allowances, criteria and conditions.

Study leave

Health professionals working in the public sector may be eligible for study assistance. Assistance provided may be in the form of financial assistance or paid and unpaid leave for study.

Review the studies assistance instructions relevant to your directorate and contact your manager for more information.


Credentialing is the process of verifying qualifications, experience and other relevant professional attributes of employees. It is an action required to meet the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, which must be achieved for hospital accreditation.

Credentialing is required for many allied health professionals working for Canberra Health Services.

For further information about credentialing requirements for your position, contact your manager.

For more information on professional development opportunities, including study scholarships, visit learning and development for allied health professionals.


The following websites host a range of resources which may be useful for allied health professionals. These resources are not all reviewed or endorsed by ACT Health.

If you would like to recommend a resource to the Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer email